
These pictures, from the series Home In The World, form an ongoing portrait of my twins Sammy and Ava. They are made both from quiet observation and staging an idea. The images are also about bearing witness to these two souls as they find and build meaning in the idea of “home”–a home in their developing bodies and spirit, and the home they see and make in the world. A world that, even under the best of circumstances, now feels ever more tenuous and fragile.

Art is inextricably tied to daily life. We do not have to make or consider it to stay alive and yet  it feels profoundly urgent during these times. The poet, William Carlos Williams’ dictate, “No Ideas but In Things' ' resonates deeply with me. The investigation and the wonder of how a subject can be transformed in a photograph is one that I am in continual pursuit of. This truth about photography’s alchemy, its ability to describe the physical world is the very center of why I make photographs

